Garbage Pail Kids is a trading card series originally created by Topps in the mid-1980s. The cards feature grotesque and humorous characters in various outlandish and absurd situations. The characters often have punny names that are a play on words, such as “Maimed Macauley” which is a satire interpretation of Macaulay Culkin’s famous portrayal of the fictional character Kevin McCallister in the movie Home Alone.
Garbage Pail Kids cards gained popularity for their irreverent and satirical take on popular culture and societal trends. The series has continued to release new sets over the years, with each set featuring a new roster of characters and themes. Some of the most popular sets include the original 1985 series, the 30th anniversary series, and the “We Hate the 80s” series.
In addition to the trading cards, the Garbage Pail Kids franchise includes various spin-off products such as stickers, posters, and even a feature film in the late 1980s. The cards have become a collector’s item for many fans, and the series continues to have a dedicated and passionate fanbase.
I purchased a raw 2022 Garbage Pail Kids “Maimed Macauley” card and got it autographed by Macaulay Culkin at a paid signing. Currently, it is the only copy that has been autographed and authenticated by PSA.
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